Here you can find our top frequently asked questions. Please let us know if you have any queries regarding our mining platform and FAQs.
Cryptocurrency is decentralized digital money, based on blockchain technology. You may be familiar with the most popular versions, Bitcoin and Ethereum, but there are more than 5,000 different cryptocurrencies in circulation, according to CoinLore.
In a nutshell, cryptocurrency mining is a term that refers to the process of gathering cryptocurrency as a reward for work that you complete.
For some, they’re looking for another source of income. For others, it’s about gaining greater financial freedom without governments or banks butting in. But whatever the reason, cryptocurrencies are a growing area of interest for technophiles, investors, and cybercriminals alike.
Miners can withdraw their mining coins. We processed withdrawals manually so it will take more time.
We are combining all the key aspects of conducting an efficient cryptocurrency mining activity. From building a highly efficient data center to providing a robust mining system for our users.
As we run our business in 100+ countries we have a multilingual feature in your system.
We have 20+ payment methods in our system. You can easily complete your payment.
Our system will automatically add your daily mining results to your account. Also, you are able to withdraw that amount.
We support cryptocurrencies that promote privacy, so we try to keep user data collected to a minimum and will only require information.
Our system dashboard contains all your crypto mining data and charts.
For each of the blockchain algorithms that we have proposed, we are providing some of the highest performance mining systems available.